
Suggester definition
Suggester definition

suggester definition

(12) I suggest that we wait a day or two (13) He does however believe that it is perfectly reasonable to suggest that God has always existed and always will. Evocative names make a connection with customers on a human level - and help to build brand engagement. Names that follow the herd risk getting ignored. Unique, distinctive names get noticed and get found online. (11) Such scenes suggest the larger problem with the film, which is chiefly one of subtlety. Shorter business names, and names that are easy to spell and say, are easy to remember. (10) In the meantime, I would strongly suggest not using the light until after it's been checked. (9) More specifically, the findings suggest what sorts of strategies would be most acceptable to the target population. Suggester Search Component Parameters Lookup Implementations Dictionary Implementations Multiple Dictionaries. (4) the expert will suggest which food to avoid (5) the seduction scenes suggest his guilt and her loneliness (6) the colours suggest the sea (7) May I humbly suggest a clearer alternative to that meaningless bit of cant? (8) Residues of zinc and lead may suggest experiments in pottery glaze manufacture. Definition (noun) someone who advances a suggestion or proposal.

suggester definition

lay in his suggesting of new genres and in his definition of their limitations. suggester - Dictionary definition and meaning for word suggester. (3) I don't think that the prosecution wants to suggest for a moment that there is any sanity issue here. (countable) Something suggested (with subsequent adposition being for). (2) But I want to emphasize that the communications we have had with customers strongly suggest otherwise. You can complete the definition of suggester given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster.

suggester definition

(1) The results also suggest the possibility of transport of small molecules within and along tendons in vivo. Search suggester and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.

Suggester definition