
Hollow cathode lamp block diagram
Hollow cathode lamp block diagram

hollow cathode lamp block diagram

Mavrodineanu, Hollow cathode discharges: Analytical applications, J. Günther-Schulze, Glow discharge in a hollow cathode, Z. Falk, Hollow cathode discharge within a graphite furnace: Furnace atomic nonthermal excitation spectrometry (FANES), in: Improved Hollow Cathode Lamps for Atomic Spectroscopy (S. Caroli, Low-pressure discharges, in: Sample Introduction in Atomic Spectroscopy (J. Conzemius, The determination of trace elements in aqueous media without preconcentration using a cryogenic hollow-cathode ion source, Anal. Delle Femmine, Determination of trace elements in biological materials using a hollow-cathode discharge: Comparative study of matrix effects, Analyst (London) 108 (1983) 196. Shukla, Determination of gallium in tumor-affected tissues by means of spectroscopic techniques, Anal. Zanzucchi, A study of direct solution analysis with a new hollow cathode discharge system, Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana, University Microfilms Ltd., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1967. Broekaert, Emission spectrographic determination of all rare earths in solutions by hollow cathode excitation, Bull. Loseke, Hollow cathode excitation of air-type atmospheres, Can. Caroli, Low-pressure discharges: Fundamental and applicative aspects, J. Walsh, Atomic absorption spectroscopy and its applications-Old and new, Pure Appl. Walsh, The application of atomic absorption spectra to chemical analysis, Spectrochim. Rowe, A hollow cathode source applicable to spectrographic analysis for the halogens and gases, J. Frish, Illumination of the mixture of argon and nitrogen, Zh. Sawyer, Excitation processes in the hollow discharge, Phys. Reinebeck, Ueber eine Methode der Variation der Anregungsbedingungen organischer Substanzen, Z. Reinebeck, Ueber die Emissionsspektroskopie organischer Substanzen mit Hilfe der Elektronenstossanregung in der Glimmentladung. Schüler, Ueber die Emissionsspektroskopie organischer Substanzen mit Hilfe der Elek-tronenstossanregung in der Glimmentladung. Michel, Ueber zwei neue Hohlkathodenentladungsröhren, Spectrochim. Schüler, Possibility of applying the hollow cathode discharge to spectroanalytical investigations, Proceedings of the I Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Strasbourg, 1950, pp. Gollnow, Ueber eine lichtstarke Glimmentladungsröhre zur spektroskopischen Untersuchung geringer Substanzmengen, Z. Keystone, Hyperfeinstrukturen und Kernmomente des Quecksilbers, Z. H Schüler, Ueber eine neue Lichtquelle und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Z.

hollow cathode lamp block diagram

H Schüler, Ueber Potentialgefalle an Elektroden in Gasentladungsröhren, Phys. Paschen, Das erste Funkenspektrum des Aluminiums Al II, Ann. Paschen, Die Funkenspektren des Aluminiums. Hittorf, On the spectra of ignited gases and vapors, with especial regard to the different spectra of the same elementary gaseous substance, Philos. Plücker, Continued observation on the electrical discharge through rarefied gas tubes, Ann.Phys.

hollow cathode lamp block diagram

This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This phenomenon is actually a modification of the Zeeman effect that requires less intense fields. Together with Back in 1913 he discovered the effect (named for both scientists) that gives rise to the splitting of emission lines when the source is subjected to a very strong magnetic field.

#Hollow cathode lamp block diagram series

(3) At the time he was mainly engaged in the investigation of the spectral series of H 2 in the IR region and in the distribution of energy in the spectra emitted by glowing gases. (1,2) Within this field of research, the first description of a hollow cathode discharge (HCD) published in the scientific literature can be found in the early years of this century, when a German physicist, Friedrich Paschen, reported on the quite unique features of this radiation source. Pioneering observations on the luminescent phenomena generated in evacuated tubes belong to the history of spectroscopy and date as far back as the mid-1800s.

Hollow cathode lamp block diagram